It was a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest. The garden is vibrant with life's energy. I felt the best way to maximize this feeling was to make a green drink. I collected 2 leaves of everything edible into my blender and gave it a whirl. What is in there you ask?
Two leaves of red raspberry, some ripe raspberries, two strawberry leaves and some fruit to begin. Nipplewort leaves, lambsquarter leaves and purslane is just poping up under the peas. Oh yes, peas and pea leaves too. Next two leaves each, french sorrel, dandelion, cat's ear, echinacea and valerian I threw in a couple mallow leaves for a thickener and the Johnny jump-up leaves and flowers were irresistable.
After I rinsed everything and added water I put two tablespoons of yogurt and a dash of Braggs amino acids or (soy sauce ) and let it blend. Today I wanted the fiber so I drank it and chewed my way through the blend. Some times I filter it for a easy swallowing.
I thank the plants, sun, rain and Mother Earth for the gifts and thourouly enjoyed a energized green day!